

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dear Ophelia

Considering that both your father and your brother have warned you against the love of this prince, do you not suppose their is reason in their beliefs, that perhaps your feelings for him and his towards you were but a mere aberration? That this is perhaps a harbinger of things to come and that he is disingenuous in his feelings towards you? That maybe he is a master of beguiling young girls such as yourself? I do not wish to stigmatize your affections for him, and perhaps his for you, but you seem rather dogmatic in your assertions that he has made his feelings known to you. Men especially are chronically known for being mercurial in their affections towards women. I understand that you have fervid feelings for him, but cautious optimism is key. My advice would be to quietly inquire about this prince's feelings towards you, and demand nothing but the utmost truth. If his feelings for you are honest, use it to palliate your brother and father. However, if they are not, and you used cautious optimism, you have avoided a potential quagmire and won't be so devastated as to do something like drown yourself.

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